How To Configure SM Category Slider Module

This guide will help you how to configure SM Category Slider Module.


We used SM Megashop Template to illustrate. Please View Demo



STEP 1: Please go to System >> Configuration >> find SM Category Slider (in the left of column) to configure.
The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • General settings
  • Source Options
  • Product Options
  • Image Product Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General settings

  • Enable/Disable - Allow to enable/disable the module.
  • Link target - Target to open links:
    • New window - Open the link in the new window/tab
    • Same window - Open the link in the same window/tab
    • Popup window - Open links in new pop-up window
  • Position Tabs - Allow to select position of tabs
  • Show Control - Allow to show control OR not

Source Options

  • Select Category - Allow to select Category Or not.
  • Display image Category - Allow to display image category Or not
  • Category Image Width - Allow to set Category Image Width
  • Category Image Height - Allow to set Category Image Height
  • Display Sub Category - Allow to display sub-category Or not.
  • Sub category Limitation - Allow to display limitation of sub-category
  • Child Category Products - Allow to set Include/Exclude products from child category
  • Category Depth - The number of child category levels to return.
  • Featured Products - Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
  • Product Field to Order By - Set Product Field to Order By
  • Ordering Direction - Allow to order ascending/descending direction
  • Product Limitation - Allow to set product limitation

Products Options
Product Title

    • Display - Allow to display title of product OR not
    • Max Length - Allow to set the max length of title

Product Description

    • Display - Allow to display title of description OR not
    • Max Length - Allow to set the max length of description


  • Display Price - Allow to display price OR not.
  • Display Reviews Summary - Allow to display reviews summary OR not.
  • Display Add To Cart - Allow to display Add To Cart OR not
  • Display Add Wishlist - Allow to display Wishlist OR not.
  • Display Add Compare - Allow to display Add Compare OR not
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to display Readmore link not.
  • Display Readmore Text - Allow to input name of Readmore text. For example: Details
  • #Column - Allow to set #column:
    • For devices have screen width from 1200px up to greater.
    • For devices have screen width from 768px up to 1199px.
    • For devices have screen width from 480px up to 767px.
    • For devices have screen width less than or equal 479px.
Image Options
Get Image from Product Image 
  • Product Description - Allow to display description of product OR not
  • Order to Get - Allow to order to get image with options such as product_image, product_description
  • Resize - Allow you resize product image OR not
  • Image Width - Allow to set image width
  • Image Height - Allow to set image height
  • Constrain Only -f the “constrainOnly” parameter is set to true, in this case the images which are smaller than specified value will be not enlarged by Magento. Only border of such images will increase.
  • Keep Aspect Ratio: Allow to keep aspect ratio. If the “keepAspectRatio” parameter is set to true, in this case the proportions of the image will not be modified.
  • Keep Transparency: The “keepTransparency” parameter keep the transparent background of the images.
  • Keep Frame: The “keepFrame” parameter guarantees that the image will be not cropped. When “keepAspectRatio” is false the “keepFrame” will not work
  • Background Color: Allow to set background color
  • Placeholder: If items do not have image, it will get image nophoto
Effect Options
Get Image from Product Image 
  • Auto Play - Allow to Enable/Disable autoplay mode
  • Start - Allow to set page that is displayed at first when you run slideshow
  • Step - Allow to set step of items
  • Speed - Allow to set speed of slide
  • Interval - Allow to set interval timer
  • Stop on Hover - Allow to stop effects when users hover
  • Effect: Allow to select effect type

Advanced Options

  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module

STEP 2: After that, Please go to Catalog >> Manage Categories. See image details as below:

General Information

Display Settings

Custom Design

Category Products

STEP 3: In the Administrator Panel, please go to CMS >> Pages >> Design tab (in the left hands) and paste the Layout Update XML Code as following:

Note: If you want to display more Category, please follow our instruction:

For example: You want to display more Dinner Category & Bedroom Category as image below:



In The Administrator, please go to CMS >> Pages >> Design tab (in the left hands) and paste the Layout Update XML Code as following:

Please Custom values that you want. For example: you want to display 3 Subcategory. You only need to add value: (“<sub_cat_limitation>3</sub_cat_limitation>“)