SM Carousel

This guide will help you install SM Carousel - Version 1.0.0 step by step.


1REQUIREMENT - Back to top

At the basic level, this module will require the following conditions:

  • Support Magento 1.9.x
  • Responsive Magento Extension

2INSTALLATION - Back to top

2.1 Extension Installation

There are two ways to install extension:

  • Step 1: Download and unzip extension contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.
  • Step 2: Upload folders skin and app from our download package to your Web server’s document root (from here on, referenced as {docroot}). You should see a directory layout like this:

    {docroot} /magento/

  • Step 3: Login your Magento Admin
  • Step 4: Navigate to System => Configuration => find SM Carousel module (in the left of column) to configure this module

  • Step 5: You will see installed extension, click extension’s name tab to go to extension configuration page.

OR you also install the steps as following:

Step 1: In the Administrator page, Navigate to System >> Magento Connect >> Magento Connect Management

Step 2: Click Browse and Upload package file

Important Note:

  • After installing extension, you should logout first and then login Admin Panel to ensure all functions work normally.
  • You should disable all caches in cache management in the installation and configuration process.

2.2 Page Configuration

    • If you want to display this module on any page that you want, Please go to CMS > Page > Edit SM Carousel > Tab Content and add this code:



3.1 Below is module layout

This module is responsive for different screens, thus it can display the item number in the two columns, the left column shows the number, title, description and price of products, and the right one displays the images of products.

3.2 Module Configuration

Note:We used the images of module’s installtion on Magento 1.9.x to illustrate

After installing, go to System -> Configuration and find SM Carousel (in the left of column) to configure.
The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • General settings
  • Source Options
  • Product Options
  • Image Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General Options

  • Enable/Disable - Allow you display title category or NOT.
  • Title of Carousel - You can enter title of module here.
  • Link target - Target to open links:
    • New window - Open the link in the new window/tab.
    • Same window - Open the link in the same window/tab.
    • Popup window - Open links in new pop-up window.
  • # Column - Set # column for Product’s images:
    • For devices have screen width from 1200px up to greater.
    • For devices have screen width from 768px up to 1199px.
    • For devices have screen width from 480px up to 767px.
    • For devices have screen width less than or equal 479px.

Source Options

  • Product Source - Allow choose type of Product Source: Catalog/Media/Product IDs to Exclude.
  • Select Category - Allow you to select Category for showing products.
  • Child Category Products - Allow to include/exclude Child Category Products .
  • Category Depth - Allow to enter the number of child category levels to return.
  • Featured Products - Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
  • Product Field to Order By - Set Product Field to Order By.
  • Ordering Direction - Allow to order ascending/descending direction.
  • Products Limitation - Allow to set product limitation.

Product Options
Product title

  • Display - Allow to display title of product OR not.
  • Max Length - The limited number of characters on product title.

Product Description

  • Display - Allow to display description of product OR not..
  • Max Length - The limited number of characters on product description.


  • Display Price - Allow to display Price of product OR not.
  • Display Reviews Summary - Allow to show Review Summary or not.
  • Display Add To Cart - Allow to display Add To Cart OR not.
  • Display Add Wishlist - Allow to show Add Wishlist or not.
  • Display Add Compare - Allow to display Add Compare OR not.
  • Display Readmore Link - Allow to show Readmore Link or not.
  • Readmore Text - Show readmore by ” Detail + “.


Image Options

  • Image Options Products
  • Get Image from Product Image
    • Product Image - Allow to display Image of product or NOT.
  • Get Image from Product Description
    • Product Description - Allow to display description of Products or NOT.
    • Order to Get - Allow to order to get image with options such as category_image, category_thumbnail, category_description.
    • Resize - Allow you resize category image or NOT.
    • Placeholder: show where to take the photo. If items do not have image, it will get image nophoto.
    • Set Width, Height for Odd Number Image
    • Image Width - Allow to set image width.
    • Image Height - Allow to set image height.
    • Set Width, Height for Even Number Image
    • Image Width - Allow to set image width.
    • Image Height - Allow to set image height.

Effect Options

  • Start - Allow to set page that is displayed at first when you run slideshow.
  • Auto Play - Allow to Enable/Disable auto play mode.
  • Interval - The duration to change to next slide.
  • Pause/Hover - Allow to Stop effects when users hover Or not.
  • Effect - Allow to effect or not.
  • Swipe - Allow to swipe or not.

Advanced Options

  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not.
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module.
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module.
  • Caching - Select whether to cache the content of this module.
  • Cache Time - The time (in seconds) before the module is recached.

4SUPPORT - Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!