SM Gallery 3D

This guide will help you install SM Gallery 3D - Version 1.0.0 step by step.


1REQUIREMENT - Back to top

At the basic level, this module will require the following conditions:

  • Support Magento 1.7.x; 1.8.x and 1.9.x

2INSTALLATION - Back to top

2.1 Extension Installation

2.1.1 Preparation

  • Back Up Database and Media Before installing any extensions, either through Magento Connect or FTP, you should back up your database and media. Please go to System >> Tools >> Backup in your Magento admin area.
  • Disable Cache: You should make sure to disable the cache before starting the process.Please go to System >> Cache Management, click ‘Sellect All’ button, then choose ‘Disable’ and click ‘Submit’ button to complete the action.

There are two ways to install extension:

2.1.2 Extension Installation through uploading folders to your Web server’s root

  • Step 1: Download and unzip the extension content on your computer, then go inside the extracted folder.
  • Step 2: Upload folders skin and app from the download package to your Web server’s document root (from here on, referenced as {docroot}). You should see a directory layout like this:

    {docroot} /magento/

  • Step 3: Login your Magento Admin (If you are logged in the previous steps, please log out and then log in again)
  • Step 4: Navigate to System => Configuration => find SM Gallery 3D module (in the left of column) and click on the extension’s name tab to go to its configuration page

2.1.3 Extension Installation through Magento Connect

Step 1: In the Administrator page, go to System >> Magento Connect >> Magento Connect Management

Step 2: Click Browse and Upload package file

The new extension will be downloaded and installed automatically.


  • In the second way, after installing the extension, you should logout first and then login the Admin Panel again to ensure all functions work normally.

2.2 How to enable this extension

You could follow one of these methods as following:

2.2.1 Editing XML in a new page

Step 1: Go to CMS >> Pages.

Step 2: Create a new page in Page Management section.

Copy and paste the following code into the Layout Update XML field in Design Tab:

2.2.2 Editing content in a new page

Step 1: Go to CMS >> Pages.

Step 2: Create a new page in Page Management section.

Copy and paste the following code into the Content field:

2.2.3 Editing content in any page

  • If you want to display this module in any page that you want, please go to CMS >> Page >>Choose your desire page >> Tab Content and add this code:

Note: Please notice that there are many ways to enable an extension. However, in this document, we have just introduced some simple and suitable methods for the SM Gallery 3D module.


3.1 Module Appearance

3.2 Module Configuration

Note:We use the images of module’s installtion on Magento 1.9.x to illustrate

After installing, go to System -> Configuration and find SM Gallery 3D (in the left of column) to configure.
All parameters are divided into the following groups:

    • General Settings
    • Source Options
    • Product Options
    • Image Options
    • Effect Options
    • Advanced Options

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General settings

  • Enabled Extension - Allow to enable/disable the module.
  • Display Title - Allow to display the title of the module or Not.
  • Title - You can enter the title of the module here.
  • Link target - Choose the target appearance when opening links:
    • New window - Open the link in the new window/tab.
    • Same window - Open the link in the same window/tab.
    • Popup window - Open links in new pop-up window.

Source Options

  • Select Source - Allow you to select kinds of sources to show. You could choose some kinds of sources, such as: Catalog, Media, Product IDs.
    • Catalog - Add items from catalog source to show in the gallery.
    • Media Source - Add items from media source to show in the gallery.
    • Product IDs - Add items from product’s IDs source to show in the gallery.
  • Select Category - Allow you to select the Category of products
  • Child Category Products: Include or Exclude the Products from Child Categories.
  • Category Depth: Allow to select the number of child category levels to return.
  • Featured Products: Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
  • Product Field to Order By: Allow to set the Product Field to Order By.
  • Ordering Direction: Allow to sort in the ascending/descending order.
  • Product Limitation: Allow to set the product limitation.

Product Options

  • Products Title
    • Display Title - Allow you display title of product or NOT.
    • Max Length - Allow to set maximum length of title.
  • Products Description
    • Display - Allow you display Description of Product or NOT.
    • Max length - Allow you set maximum length of the product description.
  • Others
    • Display Price - Allow to show the price or Not.
    • Display Reviews Summary - Allow to display the Reviews Summary or Not.
    • Display Add To Cart - Allow to show ‘Add To Cart’ button or not.
    • Display Add Wishlist - Allow to show ‘Add To Cart’ button or not.
    • Display Add Compare - Allow to show ‘Add To Cart’ button or not.
Image Options
  • Get Image from Product Image 
    • Product Image - Allow to display image of Product or NOT.
  • Get Image from Product Description 
    • Product Description - Allow to display description of Product or NOT.
    • Order to Get - Allow to order to get image with options such as “product_image, product_description”.
    • Resize - Allow you resize product image or NOT.
    • Image Width - Allow you set the image width of the products to show in the gallery.
    • Image Height - Allow you set the image height of the products in the gallery.
    • Constrain Only - If the “constrainOnly” parameter is set to be true. In this case, the images which are smaller than specified value will be not enlarged by Magento. Only border of such images will increase..
    • Keep Aspect Ratio: Allow to keep aspect ratio. If the “keepAspectRatio” parameter is set to be true, the proportions of the image will not be modified.
    • Keep Frame: The “keepFrame” parameter guarantees that the image will be not cropped. When “keepAspectRatio” is false, the “keepFrame” will not work.
    • Keep Transparency: The “keepTransparency” parameter is set to maintain the transparent background of the images.
    • Background Color: Allow to set background color.
    • Image Replacement: Only when the product has no image, the module will take photos from placeholder to replace.

Effect Options

  • Auto Play - Allow to Enable/Disable autoplay mode.
  • Current Item - Allow to enter th index of the current item .
  • Interval - Allow to set the time between transitions.

Advanced Options

  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not.
  • Pre-text - Allow to enter the pre-text of the module.
  • Post-text - Allow to enter the post-text of the module.
  • Caching - Allow to cache the content of the module or not.

4SUPPORT - Back to top

Thank you so much for using this extension, your support is truly appreciated. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to contact us via our Support Tickets System