SM Hot Collections

This guide will help you install SM Hot Collections - Version 1.0.0 step by step.


1REQUIREMENT - Back to top

At the basic level, this module will require the following conditions:

  • Support Magento 1.7.x; 1.8.x and 1.9.x

2INSTALLATION - Back to top

2.1 Extension Installation

There are two ways to install extension:

  • Step 1: Download and unzip extension contents on your computer and navigate inside the extracted folder.
  • Step 2: Upload folders skin and app from our download package to your Web server’s document root (from here on, referenced as {docroot}). You should see a directory layout like this:

    {docroot} /magento/

  • Step 3: Login your Magento Admin
  • Step 4: Navigate to System => Configuration => find SM Hot Collections module (in the left of column) to configure this module

  • Step 5: You will see installed extension, click extension’s name tab to go to extension configuration page.

OR you also install the steps as following:

Step 1: In the Administrator page, Navigate to System >> Magento Connect >> Magento Connect Management

Step 2: Click Browse and Upload package file

Important Note:

  • After installing extension, you should logout first and then login Admin Panel to ensure all functions work normally.
  • You should disable all caches in cache management in the installation and configuration process.

2.2 Page Configuration

    • If you want to display this module on any page that you want, Please go to CMS > Page > Edit Hot Collections > Tab Content and add this code:


3.1 Below is module layout

This module is responsive for different screens, thus it can display the item number in the collection of category

3.2 Module Configuration

Note:We used the images of module’s installtion on Magento 1.9.x to illustrate

After installing, go to System -> Configuration and find SM Hot Collections (in the left of column) to configure.
The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • General settings
  • Source Options
  • Categories Options
  • Product Options
  • Advanced Options

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General settings

  • Enable/Disable - Allow to enable/disable the module.
  • Title of Module - You can enter title of module here.
  • Link target - Target to open links:
    • New window - Open the link in the new window/tab.
    • Same window - Open the link in the same window/tab.
    • Popup window - Open links in new pop-up window.
  • # Column - Set # column for category:
    • For devices have screen width from 1200px up to greater.
    • For devices have screen width from 768px up to 1199px.
    • For devices have screen width from 480px up to 767px.
    • For devices have screen width less than or equal 479px.
  • # Column - Set # column for product:
    • For devices have screen width from 1200px up to greater.
    • For devices have screen width from 768px up to 1199px.
    • For devices have screen width from 480px up to 767px.
    • For devices have screen width less than or equal 479px.
    • # Show type Load more - to load more product in tab.

Source Options

  • Select Category - Allow you to select Category. The SM Amazing Slideshow is added for showing product
  • Featured Products: Allow to Show/Hide/Only Featured Products.
  • Product Field to Order By: Set Product Field to Order By.
  • Ordering Direction: Allow to order ascending/descending direction.
  • Product Limitation: Allow to set product limitation.

Categories Options

  • Display Title Category - Allow you display title category or NOT.
  • Title max length - Allow to set the max length of title.
  • Categories Order By - Set Categories Order By: Name/Position/Random.
  • Ordering Direction - Allow to order ASC(ascending)/ DESC(descending) direction.
  • Display Total Item category - Allow to display icon or NOT.
  • Display Min Price Product - Allow to display the min price of product or NOT.
  • Display Description category - Allow to display description of category or NOT.
  • Description category Maxlength - Allow to set maxlength of description category.
  • Display Readmore Category - Allow to readmore category by phrase “View All” or other phrase.
  • Image Options
  • Get Image from Category Image
    • Category Image - Allow to display Image of Category or NOT.
  • Get Image from Category Image Thumbnail Image
    • Category Image Thumbnail - Allow to display Image Thumbnail of Category or NOT.
  • Get Image from Category Description
    • Category Description - Allow to display description of Category or NOT.
    • Order to Get - Allow to order to get image with options such as category_image, category_thumbnail, category_description.
    • Resize - Allow you resize category image or NOT.
    • Image Width - Allow to set image width.
    • Image Height - Allow to set image height.
    • Placeholder: show where to take the photo. If items do not have image, it will get image nophoto.

Products Options

  • Display Slider Product - Allow to display the slider of product OR not.
  • Display Navigation - Allow to set the Navigation for the Product.
  • Show Type Navigation - Allow to set “Show” or ” Hover” button navigation.

Image Product

    • Display - Allow to display title of description OR not.
    • Max Length - Allow to set the max length of description.
  • Image Options
  • Get Image from Product Image
    • Product Image - Allow to display Image of product or NOT.
  • Get Image from Product Description
    • Category Description - Allow to display description of Category or NOT.
    • Order to Get - Allow to order to get image with options such as category_image, category_thumbnail, category_description.
    • Resize - Allow you resize category image or NOT.
    • Image Width - Allow to set image width.
    • Image Height - Allow to set image height.
    • Placeholder: show where to take the photo. If items do not have image, it will get image nophoto.

Advanced Options

  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module or not.
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module.
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module.

4SUPPORT - Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!