How To Configure SM Deals in SM Theme


This guide will help you how to configure SM Deals in SM Theme.


We used SM Megashop Theme to illustrate. Please View Demo

Frontend Appearance :

Backend Settings:

STEP 1: In your Admin Panel, Please navigate to SM Deals >> Manage Deals.

Details of “Manage Deals” Configuration as following:

Associated Products: ( To create products, please go to Catalog >> Manage Products >> Add product)


Store views

STEP 2: In your Admin Panel, Please navigate to SM Deals >> Configuration.

Details of “Configuration” as following:

The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • General settings
  • Product settings

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General settings

  • Enable - Allow to enable/disable the module.
  • Title - Allow to input title of the module
  • Set Deal Order, Front Product Show Orderwise - Allow to set Start Date/ End Date

Products settings

Product Image

  • Image width - Allow to set Image width of product
  • Image height - Allow to set Image height of product

Product Title

  • Display - Allow to display title of product OR not
  • Max characters - Allow to set the max length of title

Product Description

  • Display - Allow to display title of description OR not
  • Max characters - Allow to set the max length of description


  • Display Price - Allow to display price OR not.
  • Display Reviews Summary - Allow to display reviews summary OR not.