SW Salamy

This guide will help you install SW Salamy themes step by step.


At the basic level, this theme will require the following conditions:

  • Compatible with WordPress 3.9.x

Installation Packages include:

  • Quickstart Package
  • Theme package only
  • Plugin packages are developed by Magentech

2LAYOUT POSITION – Back to top

3INSTALLATION – Back to top

There are two ways to install a WordPress theme:

  • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the theme exactly as our Demo with sample data. This is applied when you need a fresh WordPress with our theme.
  • Install theme and Plugins: This is applied when you have already installed a WordPress instance on your server. You will need only be using the zipped files in “plugins” and “theme” folders mentioned above.

3.1 Install with Quickstart Package:

Step 1: Extract Quickstart package to your folder >> htdocs >> xampp if you’re using localhost. Or upload all files after extracting as this image if you’re using a hosting server.

Step 2: Move the directory content into your browsers and start installation. The initial WordPress installation screen will notify you that the configuration file is unavailable. Click Create Configuration File button to create it.

Step 3: You need to setup database if you haven’t got. You can refer the guide how to create a new database and new username for WordPress. Then Let’s Go!

Step 4: Input the WordPress database connection details. With using localhost, you can type the username and password as below:

Step 5: Run the installation and edit needed information as following:

Step 6: Complete installation

Step 7: Log in your account and discover the new theme

3.2 Install with SW Theme

Firstly, Login your administrator, go to Appearance >> Add New >> Upload Theme >> Click Choose File to install

After theme installation succeed, click to Activate the theme.

3.3 Install Plugins

In administrator, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload plugins as the same with Install Theme above. Then, don’t forget to activate plugins that were installed by going to Plugins > Installed Plugins . Please click HERE to view details the activated plugins.

4CONFIGURATION – Back to top

4.1 How to Configure Theme Options

Let’s go to Appearance > Theme Options for configuration.


Navbar Options



Social share


4.2 How to Configure Widgets

Let’s go to Appearance >> Widgets!

You can drag widgets/plugins in the list from left to positions on your right as follow image

4.2.1 YA Top Widget - Top position


Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

YA Top Widget

  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - We support 3 templates for your choice:
    • Login - Register
    • MiniCart
    • Search
  • Advanced Options - Support 3 options for your advance
    • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
    • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
      • eng(english)
      • ar(arabic)
    • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
      • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
      • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
      • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.2 Text - Top Header postion



  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text :


4.2.3 Language Selector - Top Menu position


Language Selector

  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget
  • User - Allow to be shown for user pages (login/ not login)
  • General - Allow to be shown on general pages as: blog, tag, 404, archive page…
  • Taxonomy slug - Allow to be shown on category taxonomy pages (you can choose many taxonomies and separate them by “,” mark). Valued: category, product_cat
  • Post type - Allow to be shown on Post type, archive post type. Note for product page
    • Post detail page - post type is post.
    • Product archive page - post type is product.
    • Single product page - post tyle is product_detail.
  • Category ID - Allow to be shown on Pages that has choosen category ID. You can separate them by “,” mark
  • Posts ID - Allow to be shown on Pages that has choosen post ID. You can separate them by “,” mark
  • Menu - Allow to be shown on choosen menus

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.4 WooCommerce Currency Converter - Top Menu position

WooCommerce Currency Converter

  • Title - Allow to input title of currency
  • Currency Codes - Allow user to choose a currency for prices to be displayed in
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.5 Text - Banner position



  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text:

4.2.6 Revolution Slider - Banner position

Please click HERE to view Video Guide for Revolution Slider Plugin.

Revolution Slider

    • Title - Allow to input title of slider
    • Choose Slider - Allow to select slider
    • Home Page Only - Allow to only display on Home Page
    • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
    • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
      • eng(english)
      • ar(arabic)
    • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
      • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
      • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
      • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.7 Text - Banner position


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text :

4.2.8 SW Woo Tab Slider widget - Above Content position


  • Category ID - Allow to select Category ID
  • Order by - Allow to order by following field:
    • ID
    • Name
    • Author
    • Date
    • Title
    • Modified
    • Parent
    • Rand
    • Comment Count
  • Order - Ascending/Descending
  • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 8 posts)
  • Excerpt Length (in words) - Limited Text (default: 25 words)
  • Control button position: - Allow to set control button position: Top/Bottom
  • Interval - Interval of each slide (default: 8000 ms)
  • Speed - Speed of each slide
  • Stop when hover - When mouse over on slideshow, it will stop if this field Yes and not stop if No.

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.9 Text - Above Content position


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text :

4.2.10 YA Featured Products - Above Content position

YA Featured Products

  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - Support a default template for widget
  • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 4 posts)
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.11 YA Top Rated Product Widget - Above Content position

YA Top Rated

  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - Support a default template for widget
  • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 4 posts)
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.12 SW Testimonial Slider Widget - Above Content position

SW Testimonial Slider

    • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
    • Order by - Allow to order by following field:
      • ID
      • Name
      • Author
      • Date
      • Title
      • Modified
      • Parent
      • Rand
      • Comment Count
    • Order - Ascending/Descending
    • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 9 posts)
    • Excerpt Length (in words) - Limited Text (default: 30 words)

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.13 SW Partner Slider Widget - Above Content position

SW Partner Slider

    • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
    • Order by - Allow to order by following field:
      • ID
      • Name
      • Author
      • Date
      • Title
      • Modified
      • Parent
      • Rand
      • Comment Count
    • Order - Ascending/Descending
    • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 10 posts)
    • Excerpt Length (in words) - Limited Text (default: 25 words)

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.14 Text - sidebar footer left position


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text :

4.2.15 Custom Menu - sidebar footer right position

Custom Menu

  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Select Menu - Allow to select menu
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

4.2.16 Text - sidebar footer right position

Text: Contact Us

  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Widget Style - Support some available styles for choosing
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose language will show widget
    • eng(english)
    • ar(arabic)
  • Widget Display - Allow to choose pages will show widget
    • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
    • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
    • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget

Frontend will be shown as HERE

Code Custom HTML of Text :

4.3 How to Create Menu

SW Salamy supports for new WordPress menu system to manage your main menu items.

Please go to Appearance >> Menus and follow step by step as below image

4.4 How to Create Pages

4.4.1 Home Page

4.4.2 Product Page

4.4.3 Blog Page

4.4.4 Contact Us Page

5SUPPORT – Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!