Why are products in cart updated only when refresh your site?

In this case, maybe you already disabled ‘Ajax cart’ option in block cart module.With our theme, you can go to the admin: Modules >> SP Block cart >> enable ‘Ajax cart’ option

Prestashop theme

You can check code more in the file: override\controllers\front\CartController.php

These is the code in end of file:

elseif (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.’/spblockcart/blockcart-ajax.php’))

=> Please make sure the path correctly

(You can check ajax file in the path is: modules/spblockcart

Example the file is: modules/spblockcart/spblockcart-ajax.php)

Please change the above code to:

elseif (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.’/spblockcart/spblockcart-ajax.php’))

