SP Twitter Slider Ver1.0.0

This guide will help you install SP Twitter Slider Module step by step.


1 Installation - Back to top

  • Firstly, you must install Prestashop version 1.6.x. Please Click Here to read more about How To Install Prestashop version 1.6.x
  • Secondly, prepare for installing the SP Twitter Slider Module. The installation contains 5 steps as following:

Step 1: Login to your Prestashop admin panel and Go to Back Office >> Modules >> Modules. At the top of the page, click the Add new theme button.

Step 2: Click “Choose a file” button to select your module .zip file “sptwitterslider.zip” that you have downloaded and then push “Upload this module” button.

Step 3: The uploading process will be started. You will see the message that “the module was successfully downloaded”.

Step 4: The new module will be located in the modules list. Search the name of module and Click on the Install button to install the module.

Step 5: Finally, you will see a notification message: “This module is already installed: sptwitterslider”.

2 Configuration - Back to top

Find to the module that you have installed and clicked on Configure button to configure the module.

The parameters are divided into the following groups:

  • General Options
  • Other Options
  • Effect Options
  • Advanced Options

Let’s look at the parameters in detail:

General Options

  • Screen Name - Input screen name.
  • Consume Key - Input Consume Key
  • Consume Secret - Input Consume Secret
  • Count - The total number of tweeter to display. The default value of 0 will display all tweeter.

Note: Please Click Here to read more about How To Get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret on Twitter

Other Options

  • Display Avatar - Allow to display Avatar OR not.
  • Display Follow Button - Allow to display Follow button OR not.
  • Display Direction Button - Allow to display Direction button Or not.

Effect Options

  • Start Slide - The zero-based index of the slide that should be initially displayed.
  • Interval - The duration to change to next slide.
  • Auto Play - Auto Play Slide show for the module Or not.
  • Pause on Hover - Allow to pause effects when users hover OR not.
  • Select Effect - Select effect for the module OR not.
  • Swipe - Effect “Next/Preview” in equipment.

Avanced Options

  • Include jQuery - Use jQuery from this module (Include jQuery.noConflict() and jQuery v1.8.2 (jquery)) or not.
  • Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module.
  • Post-text - The content to show at the end of module.

5SUPPORT - Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this module. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!