SW Nik V1

This guide will help you install SW Nik V1 themes step by step. If you are using SW Nik V2, please click here to see userguide for SW Nik V2.



At the basic level, this theme will require the following conditions:

  • Apache 2.x or Microsoft IIS 7
  • PHP 5.3.x
  • MySQL 5.0.4 or higher
  • WordPress 3.9+, 4.0+

Recommended PHP Configuration Limits: Many issues you may run into such as; white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can contact with your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum or You can do this on your own by finding php.ini file in your root directory as follows:

  • max_execution_time 180
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

2LAYOUT POSITION – Back to top

2.1 Home Default Layout

2.2 Home 2 Layout

2.3 Home 3 Layout

3INSTALLATION – Back to top

3.1 Files Structure

At first, you need to download the package about my computer and then unzip the package. The Main Files Gives You All The Content Listed Below

  • Theme folder - Contains the sw_nik_theme_version1.2.0.zip file and sw_nik-child-theme.zip WordPress Theme. The child theme is only for users who make code changes.
  • Data folder - Contains the sample_data.xml file; widget.wie file and 3 slider files (slider1.zip; slider2.zip & slider3.zip) .

3.2 Install Theme

Login to your WordPress Administrator Panel and navigate to Appearance >> Themes. At the top of the page click the Add New button.

Click the Upload Theme button >> Choose File in Import from your computer section. Navigate to previously zipped theme package and open theme installator folder:
Select your theme .zip file and click Install Now.

Note: If the file size is larger than 8M, please upload to FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

The uploading process will be started. You will see the message that Theme installed successfully.

Click “Activate” to enable theme.

And then, you click “Begin installing plugin”.

Select the plugin >> click list box to select “Install” >> Apply.

You will see the message that the plugin installed successfully.

Click “Return to Required Plugins Installer” >> select plugin “SW Twitter Slider” >> Active >> Apply.

You will see the message that The plugin was activated successfully.

3.3 Install Sample Data & Product

Step 1: In the Administrator page, please navigate to Tools >> Import.

Step 2: Please choose “WordPress” to import.

Step 3: In Import WordPress page, click “choose file” button to select file “sampledata.xml” to upload.

Step 4: Click “choose file” button to select file “product.xml” to upload. The “product.xml” file contains the products of Woocommerce.

3.4 Install Slider

Step 1: In the Administrator page, please navigate to Revolution Slider >> Import Slider.

Step 2: Clickchoose file button to select file “slider1.zip; slider2.zip; slider3.zip” one after another to import slider.

4 READING SETTINGS – Back to top

In the Administrator page, please navigate to Settings >> Reading >> Front page displays >> select “A static page” >> Front Page “Home” >> Save. This allows the changes to display on the home page.

5 CONFIGURATION – Back to top

5.1 How to Configure Theme Options

Let’s go to Appearance > Theme Options for configuration.




Social share


5.2 Configure Widgets - Home Default

Let’s go to Appearance >> Widgets!

You can drag widgets/plugins in the list from left to positions on your right as follow image

Add widgets in your sidebars and then choose where they will be shown! It has never been so easy to personalize the widgets section!

  • Advanced Options - Support 3 options for your advance
    • Widget Style - Style of widget ( default is selection )
      • col-4; col-5- Set the width of the widget will occupy (4/12; 5/12) .
      • No-margin- Do not allow to set margin at bottom.
      • contact-us, get-help, join, orders - Style for footer column “contact-us, get-help, join, orders”.
      • Container- Add a class container into the widget, use for sidebar without container.
      • pull-left, pull-right- Allow to align left/right .
    • Language Display - This option is shown only plugin WPML was actived. It allow user can select language to display widget.
    • Widget Display - Option select widget display. There are 3 option:
      • All- Widget will display all in theme in the sidebar that’s selected.
      • Only on selected- Check into checkbox which you want your sidebar show on that.
      • All - The widget will be shown on pages that contains widget’s sidebar
      • Except on selected - Allow to choose pages that don’t want to show widget
      • Only on selected - Allow to choose pages that want to show widget
        • Users - Allow to be shown for user pages (login/ not login)
        • General - Check into the checkbox that you want to show the sidebar( blog, archive…)
        • Taxonomy Slugs - Input Taxonomy Slugs of pages that you want to display widget, if have many taxonomies then separate them by “,” mark.
        • Posts type - Input Posts type of pages that you want to display widget, if have many posts type then separate them by “,” mark.
        • Categories ID & Posts ID - ID of Categories or Posts, if have many IDs then separate them by “,” mark.
        • Menu - Allow to choose menu that you want to display widget.

Note: If your theme use WPML, please select Language on admin toolbar before selecting a widget display at sidebar.

5.2.1 YA Top Widget - Top position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings:


  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - Select “Minicart” template.

5.2.2 WooCommerce Currency Converter - Top position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to input title of currency
  • Currency Codes - Allow user to choose a currency for prices to be displayed in

5.2.3 Language Selector - Top position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.2.4 YA Top Widget - Top position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - Select “Login” template.

5.2.5 YA Top Widget - Top position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to add title for this widget
  • Template - Select “Search” template.

5.2.6 Revolution Slider - Banner position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to input title of slider
  • Choose Slider - Allow to select slider
  • Home Page Only - Allow to only display on Home Page

5.2.7 Text - Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Copy and Paste the Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.2.8 SW Woo Slider Widget - Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

New Products

    • Title - Allow to input title of slider
    • Description - Allow to input description of slider
    • Select type of show - Allow to select type of show: Category/Other
    • Category ID - Allow to select Category ID
    • Order by - Allow to order by following field:
      • ID
      • Name
      • Author
      • Date
      • Title
      • Modified
      • Parent
      • Rand
      • Comment Count
    • Order - Ascending/Descending
    • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 12 posts)
    • Excerpt Length (in words) - Limited Text (default: 25 words)
    • Number of Columns - Set the number of columns on each device:
      • Number of Columns >1200px
      • Number of Columns on 768px to 1199px
  • Number of Columns on 480px to 767px
    • Number of Columns on 321px to 479px
    • Number of Columns in 320px or less than
  • Control button position: - Allow to set control button position: Top/Bottom
  • Interval - Interval of each slide (default: 0 ms)
  • Speed - Speed of each slide
  • Stop when hover - When mouse over on slideshow, it will stop if this field Yes and not stop if No.

5.2.9 Text - Above Content postion

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Copy and Paste the Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.2.10 SW Woo Slider widget - Above product position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


    • Title - Allow to input title of slider
    • Description - Allow to input description of slider
    • Select type of show - Allow to select type of show: Category/Other
    • Category ID - Allow to select Category ID
    • Order by - Allow to order by following field:
      • ID
      • Name
      • Author
      • Date
      • Title
      • Modified
      • Parent
      • Rand
      • Comment Count
    • Order - Ascending/Descending
    • Number of Posts - Number of post will be shown (default: 12 posts)
    • Excerpt Length (in words) - Limited Text (default: 25 words)
    • Number of Columns - Set the number of columns on each device:
      • Number of Columns >1200px
      • Number of Columns on 768px to 1199px
  • Number of Columns on 480px to 767px
    • Number of Columns on 321px to 479px
    • Number of Columns in 320px or less than
  • Control button position: - Allow to set control button position: Top/Bottom
  • Interval - Interval of each slide (default: 0 ms)
  • Speed - Speed of each slide
  • Stop when hover - When mouse over on slideshow, it will stop if this field Yes and not stop if No.

5.2.11 SW Twitter Slider widget - Recent Tweets position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

SW Twitter Slider

  • Title - Allow to input title of slider
  • Consumer Key, Consumer Secret , Access Token and Access Token Secret: - Please click Here to read more about How to Generate them.
  • Cache Tweets in every - Cache tweets in every time
  • Twitter User name - Allow to input user name of twitter
  • Number Tweets to display - Allow to display number of tweeter

5.2.12 Need to Know & Be Inspired - Below Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Need to Know & Be Inspired

  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Copy and Paste the Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.2.13 SW Partner Slider Widget - Floating position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.2.14 Free Shipping, 24/7 Support & Gift Card Member - Bottom position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings


  • Title - Allow to input arbitrary text or custom HTML

Copy and Paste the Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.2.15 Custom Menu - Menu Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.2.16 Text - Menu Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Copy and Paste the Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.2.17 Custom Menu: Get Help; Order; Join - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.2.18 Contact Us - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3 How to Configure Widgets - Home 2 Layout

The Home 2 Layout has the position as following:

  • Top Header
  • Top Banner
  • Banner
  • Above Content
  • Below Content
  • Footer

5.3.1 YA Top Widget - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.2 Custom Menu - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.3 WooCommerce Currency Converter - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.4 WooCommerce Currency Converter - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.5 Text: Language - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.6 Text: Social - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.7 Text: Banner - Top Banner position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.8 YA Top Widget - Top Banner position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.9 Revolution Slider - Banner position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.10 Text: Support - Free Shipping - Secure Payments - At Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.11 Sw Woo Slider Widget: FEATURED PRODUCTS - At Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.12 Text: Banner Main - At Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.13 New Arrivals - At Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.14 Text: SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER - At Above Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.15 Sw Posts Slider widget: FROM THE BLOG - At Blow Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.16 Sw Partner Slider widget: Our Brands - At Blow Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.17 Sw Best Seller Products: Recent Products - At Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.18 Sw Best Seller Products: Best sellers - At Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.3.19 Text: About us - Top Header position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.3.20 WooCommerce Product Tags: Product Tags - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4 How to Configure Widgets - Home 3 Layout

The Home 3 Layout has the position as following:

  • Top Header
  • Top Banner
  • Above Main
  • Sidebar Left
  • Content
  • Below Main
  • Bottom
  • Footer
  • Below Footer
  • Copyright-Left

Note: Top Header position at the Home 3 Layout configure the same as the Home 2 Layout. Please note that in Advanced Option part >> selecting Widget Display: “Only on selected” >> Find to Primary Navigation >> tick box “Home 3″ >> to display this widget on the Home 3 Layout.

5.4.1 Text: Contact Us - Top Banner position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.2 vertical megamenu: all category - Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.3 Revolution Slider - Above Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.4 Sw best seller products: Best Sellers - Sidebar Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.5 WooCommerce Product Tags - Sidebar Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.6 Text: banner sidebar - Sidebar Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.7 YA Posts: Our Blog - Sidebar Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.8 Sw Woo Slider widget: Featured Products - Sidebar Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.9 Text: banner content - Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.10 Sw Woo Slider widget: New Arrivals - Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.11 Sw Woo Slider widget: BROWSE OUR CATEGORIES - Content position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.12 Sw Partner Slider widget - Below Main position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.13 Text: Subcribe - Bottom position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.14 Text: Social - Bottom position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.15 Text: About Us - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.16 Custom Menu: My Account - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.17 Custom Menu: Information - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.18 Custom Menu: Extras - Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.4.19 Text: Support - Below Footer position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

Code Custom HTML of Text :

5.4.20 Custom Menu - Copyright-Left position

Frontend Appearances:

Backend Settings

5.5 How to Create Menu

    • SW Nik supports for new WordPress menu system to manage your main menu items. In the Administrator page, please go to Appearance >> Menus and follow step by step as below image:

    • In Menu Settings part, tick check box “Primary Menu”.

6SUPPORT – Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!