SM Topshop Magento 2.0

This document is for SM Topshop Magento Version 2.0.x

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this theme, reveals some answers to common problems and issues. We encourage you to read throughout this document if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us via our Support Tickets System.

Note: This theme has versions for Magento 1.9.x, Magento 2.0.x, and Magento 2.1.1.

Version Userguide
SM Topshop Magento Version 1.9.x Please click Here to view
SM Topshop Magento Version 2.0.x Please click Here to view
SM Topshop Magento Version 2.1.x Please click Here to view


At the basic level, this theme will require the following conditions:

    • Compatible with Magento Community Edition 2.0
    • Composer (latest stable version)
    • Apache 2.2 or late
    • PHP: 5.5.x,5.6.x and Memory_limit no less than 256Mb)
    • In the future if the conditions change, please check the Magento 2 documentation


There are two ways to install a Magento Theme:

  • Quickstart Installation: Suitable if you have your first installation and want to get a whole new fresh site as our Demo.
  • Manual Installation (including Theme Installation): Suitable if your store is full with content that you don’t want to overwrite.

2.1 Quickstart Installation:

Magentech provides SM Quickstart package for each theme which aims to ease the installation for users. Please note that with Quickstart, all your existing data will be overwritten. Thus, if you plan to start your site from the beginning, it will help you save much time of installing and configuring.

Note: Follow Magento 2.0 Installation Guide to install the Composer before doing this Quickstart installation.

Please follow steps below:

  • Step 1: Download the quickstart package named as sm_topshop_quickstart_m2.0.7_v2.1.0
  • Step 2: Extract and Upload the whole Quickstart package to your server. In Quickstart folder you will see the extracted folder that include all sample data
  • Step 3: Create a Database for your Magento site
  • Note: You need to remember the database name to use in the next steps

    • Step 4:Import database sample_data.sql under the folder sm_topshop_quickstart_m2.0.7_v2.1.0\data_quickstart


    After successful installation DO NOT run magento.

    Now we are going to Set file system ownership and permissions. To perform all actions, you should use PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows on your computer. When you have the command-line access, enter the following commands in the order shown:

    Go Here to readmore about the action.

    • Step 5: Run installation process by opening browser and navigate to your URL (where the Quickstart uploaded) to load default Magento installer and follow each step of the Installer so that the installation process can be set.

    • Step 6: Choose Start Readiness Check. After Start Readiness Check is completed, select Next .

    When you click on “Start Readiness Check”,the error could occur like the below image

    You need to open your php.ini file and set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1.

    • Step 7: Enter server and database in step 2 and then click on Next.

    • Step 8: Put your website link and continue to click on Next.

    • Step 9: Customize your store: you can choose Time Zone, Currency and Languages.

    • Step 10: You need to Create Admin Account. Enter your information and move to the next step.

    • Step 11: In this step, you should click on the button: Install Now.

    It will take some minutes to complete this installation process. If your window is the same as below, CONGRAT! You install this quickstart package successfully

    After clicking on the button, the Admin Login screen will be opened and you can use admin credentials to login on this screen. It will open Admin panel after successful authentication.

    • Step 12:

    Now we are going to verify Composer installation, Deploy static content, Clear compiled code and the cache, Reindex the Magento 2 blocks. On Windows server environment, to perform all above actions, press WINDOWS KEY + R to open RUN dialog and type cmd to open Command Prompt.

    Type cd PATH_TO_YOUR_MAGENTO2_FILES to enter in Magento 2 ROOT directory.

    • 1. Now to verify Composer installation in above directory, type composer install.
    • If you get any error in this step, please check your Composer installation.

    • 2. In this step, we are setting up static content to deploy on our Magento store. To perform this, type php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy.
    • If you get any error, check your PHP.EXE and PHP.INI Environment Variable

    • 3. Clear compiled code and the cache by typing php bin/magento setup:upgrade in CMD. Typically, you use magento this command line to update components and each component can require different compiled classes.

    • 4. And finally, to Reindex Magento Static Blocks type php bin/magento indexer:reindex.


    At this moment we should Set file system ownership and permissions again. To perform all actions, you should use PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows on your computer. When you have the command-line access, enter the following commands in the order shown:

    Go Here to readmore about the action.

    2.2 Manual Installation

      • Step 1: Please unzip ‘sm_topshop_theme_m2.0.x_v2.1.0′ file and upload folders app; pub from the theme package to the root of your Magento site folder on your server.

        Note: You could change the name of this folder. However, if you want your website run correctly, it need to have the same name as the database.

        To verify Composer installation, Deploy static content, Clear compiled code and the cache, Reindex the Magento 2 blocks before configuring your site, please go Here to follow

      • Step 2: Log in to your Admin Panel (e.g.

        Note: If you are using the Admin Panel when copying folders in step 1, you need to log out and log in back.

      • Step 3: Disable Cache: Go to >> Tools >> Cache Management, click ‘Sellect All’ button, then choose ‘Disable’ and click ‘Submit’ button to complete the action.
      • Step 4: Navigate to Stores>> Settings>> Configuration >> Design. In Design tab, select Design Theme field with the Sm topshop.
    • Step 5: Click “Save Config” button to save your changes.

    2.3 Theme Setting

    In Magento admin panel, navigate to Stores>> Settings>> Configuration >> MAGENTECH >> SM topshop and configure its settings as you want.

    • Configure General Options with Color (of theme), Body Font, Elements Google Font, Menu for any store.
    • Configure Theme Layout with Layout style
    • Configure the Product Listing with Layout 1 Column, Layout 2 Columns, Layout 3 Columns
    • Configure the Product Detail To zoom image of product, adjust Zoom Mode, Custom tab, and content, etc.
    • Configure Socials : To connect with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest
    • Configure Advanced : To Show Go to Top, Add to Cart, Add to Wishlist, Add to Compare,
    • Configure Developer: To Custom Css or Javascript



3.1 Page Configuration

Set Default Page

  • To set a default page for your Magento Site, in the Admin Panel you go to Stores>> Settings >>Configuration>>Web>>Default Pages. Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • You need to change to the website / store view that you want to change (the dropdown menu in the upper left corner). You will probably have to create a new CMS page if you want to have something different from your default home page.

Home Style 1

Frontend of Home Style 1 - Layout Position
In the Admin Panel, please navigate to Content >> Elements >> Pages to create a new page in Pages section. Here is the list of steps in this style’s configuration process:

  • Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::

  • Design Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Layout Update XML field:

  • Meta Data: Please click to see the Backend Settings.

Home Style 2

Frontend of Home Style 2 - Layout Position
In the Admin Panel, please navigate to Content >> Elements >> Pages to create a new page in Pages section. Here is the list of steps in this style’s configuration process:

  • Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::

  • Design Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Meta Data: Please click to see the Backend Settings.

Home Style 3

Frontend of Home Style 3 - Layout Position
In the Admin Panel, please navigate to Content >> Elements >> Pages to create a new page in Pages section. Here is the list of steps in this style’s configuration process:

  • Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::

  • Design Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Meta Data: Please click to see the Backend Settings.

Home Style 4

Frontend of Home Style 4 - Layout Position
In the Admin Panel, please navigate to Content >> Elements >> Pages to create a new page in Pages section. Here is the list of steps in this style’s configuration process:

  • Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::

  • Design Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Layout Update XML field:

  • Meta Data: Please click to see the Backend Settings.

Home Style 5

Frontend of Home Style 5 - Layout Position
In the Admin Panel, please navigate to Content >> Elements >> Pages to create a new page in Pages section. Here is the list of steps in this style’s configuration process:

  • Page Information Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Content Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the Content field::

  • Design Tab: Please click to see the Backend Settings.
  • Meta Data: Please click to see the Backend Settings.

3.2 Configure Megamenu

3.2.1 Horizontal Megamenu:


  • Sortable Categories Items Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Dropdown Features’: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content editor:

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Group 2′

  • Backend of ‘Accessories - Women’ in the ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Bag - Women’ in the ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with other items having same level as ‘Bag - Women’ in the ‘Group 1′

  • Backend of ‘Shoes - Women’ in the ‘Group 2′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Product Slider - Men’ in the ‘Group 2′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with other items having same level as ‘Product Slider - Men’ in the ‘Group 2′

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Group 2′

  • Backend of ‘Accessories - Women’ in the ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Image 1′ in the ‘Group 1′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

  • Backend of ‘Shoes-Women’ in the ‘Group 2′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Image 2′ in the ‘Group 2′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Accessories’ in the ‘Accessories’: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.

About Us
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.

3.2.2 Vertical Megamenu:


  • Sortable Categories Items Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Row 2′

  • Backend of ‘T-shirt’ in the ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Dress’ in the ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Shoes’ in the ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Bags’ in the ‘Row 2′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Dress’ in the ‘Row 2′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Shoes’ in the ‘Row 2′: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Computer Column 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Computer Column 2′

  • Backend of ‘Col 1′ in the ‘Computer Column 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: The item named ‘Col 2′ in the ‘Computer Column 1′ and ‘Col 1′, ‘Col 2′ in the ‘Computer Column 2′ having same menu level (Level 3) as item ‘Col 1′ could have the same configuration. However, you should be aware that the Parent Item of ‘Col 1′, ‘Col 2′ in the ‘Computer Column 2′ is different.

  • Backend of ‘Beds’ in the ‘Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Cabinets & Storage’ in the ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘Shoes’ in the ‘Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Coat’ in ‘the ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘Bathroom Fixtures’ in the ‘Col 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Banner’ in the ‘Col 2′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

Healthy & Beauty
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Sub list’ in the ‘Healthy & Beauty’: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Row 1′ in the ‘Furniture’: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Fu.. R1 Column 1′ in the ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Col 1′in the’Fu.. R1 Column 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘Chairs & Sofas’in the’Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Dress’

  • Backend of ‘Fu.. R1 Column 2′ in the ‘row1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Col 1′in the’Fu.. R1 Column 2′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘Office Furniture’in the’Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘T-shirt’

  • Backend of ‘Banner 2′in the’Fu.. Row 2′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

  • Backend of ‘Banner 3′in the’Fu.. Row 2′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Fu.. Row 2′

  • Backend of ‘Fu.. R1 Column 1′ in the ‘Row 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Fu.. R1 Column 2′

  • Backend of ‘Col 1′ in the ‘Fu.. R1 Column 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘T-shirt’ in the ‘Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Dress’

  • Backend of ‘Col 1′ in the ‘Fu.. R1 Column 2′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Col 2′

  • Backend of ‘Hat’ in the ‘Col 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: Do the same with item ‘Shoes’

  • Backend of ‘Banner 3′in the’Fu.. Row 2′: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

Sport Clothing
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Sub list’ in the ‘Sport Clothing’: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Sub list’ in the ‘Accessories’: Please click Here to view.

Watch & Jewelry
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Sub list’ in the ‘Watch & Jewelry’: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend of ‘Sub list’ in the ‘Kitchen’: Please click Here to view.

More Category
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Settings: Please click Here to view.

3.3 Configure Extensions

The SM topshop front-page has been integrated with the extensions in the following list:

In SM topshop Administration Page, please navigate to Stores>> Settings>> Configuration >> MAGENTECH to configure extensions as you want.

SM Listing Tabs
      • Position: SM Listing Tabs
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Listing Tabs: Click Here
SM Basic Products
      • Position: SM Basic Products
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Basic Products: Click Here
SM Megamenu
      • Position: SM Megamenu
      • Frontend Appearance

Horizontal Megamenu

Vertical Megamenu

      • Backend of SM Megamenu: Click Here
SM Countdown Product Slider
      • Position: SM Countdown Product Slider
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Countdown Product Slider: Click Here
SM Image Slider
      • Position: SM Image Slider
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Image Slider: Click Here
      • Go Here to readmore about the SM Image Slider module.
SM Super Categories
      • Position: SM Super Categories
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Super Categories: Click Here
SM Deals
      • Position: SM Deals
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Deals: Click Here
SM Quick View
      • Position: SM Quick View
      • Frontend Appearance

      • Backend of SM Quick View: Click Here

3.4 Configure Static Blocks

The SM topshop front-page has the following static blocks in the theme:

To create a new static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks >> Add new block.

Static Block: hotline

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “hotline”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “banner-full-top”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “banner-link-deal”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-1

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-1″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-2

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-2″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: blog-block

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “blog-block”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: brand-block

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “brand-block”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “about-us-footer”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: ft-contact-us

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “ft-contact-us”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: ft-information

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “ft-information”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: ft-my-account

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “ft-my-account”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: ft-why-us

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “ft-why-us”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “ft-category-footer”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “payment-footer”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-1-index2

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-1-index2″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: blog-block-index2

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “blog-block-index2″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-1-index3

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-1-index3″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-2-index3

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-2-index3″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-3-index3

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-3-index3″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-4-index3

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-4-index3″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: blog-block-index3

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “blog-block-index3″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-1-index4

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-1-index4″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “banner-c-women”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “banner-c-men”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “banner-c-shoe”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-2-index4

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-2-index4″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-1-index5

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-1-index5″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-service-1-index5

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-service-1-index5″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: static-image-2-index5

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “static-image-2-index5″

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

Static Block: vertical-menu-config

To create the static block, go to Content>> Elements>> Blocks with Identifier * : “vertical-menu-config”

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting: Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the content tab of this static block:

3.5 How To Edit Copyright in Admin Panel

Frontend Appearance

In SM Topshop Administration Page, please navigate to Stores>> Settings>> Configuration >> MAGENTECH >> SM Topshop >> Advanced to configure this theme’s copyright.

Edit the code here:

3.6 How To Customize the Social symbols in admin panel

Frontend Appearance

In SM topshop Administration Page, please navigate to Stores>> Settings >> Configuration >> MAGENTECH >> SM topshop >> Socials.


  • SUPPORT - If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to send us via: Support Tickets System
  • FAQs - Go to Here to view more the Frequently Asked Questions.