SP Revo


1.1 Introduction

Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this theme, your support is truly appreciated!

This document covers the installation and use of this theme, reveals some answers to common problems and issues. We encourage you to read this document throughtly if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us via our Support Tickets System.

1.2 System Requirements

Please make sure your hosting server meets the PrestaShop requirements:

  • Supported operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Wamp (for Windows) or Xampp (for Windows and Mac)
  • Web server: Apache Web server 1.3 or later, Microsoft’s IIS Web server 6.0 or later.
  • PHP 5.2* or later.
  • MySQL 5.0 or later.
  • At least 32 Mb of RAM on your server (64 Mb is comfortable, the more the better).

Note: If you can not import the theme/module file to your server due to the maximum upload and PHP memory limit, you need to increase the parameter “memory_limit=200M”; “max_execution_time=300″; “max_execution_time=1000″ & “upload_max_filesize=20M” in the file php.ini.

1.3 PrestaShop Guide

If you are not familiar with Prestashop, please read its guide first


There are two ways to install SP Revo Theme

  • Quickstart Installation: sp_revo_quickstart_p16_v2.0.0 By using this package, you will set the theme exactly like our Demo with sample data.
  • Manual Installation : Include of Theme layout Installation Packages. Please unzip the package and you would see the following folders:
    • module folder
    • sp_revo_template_p16_v2.0.0.zip file

2.1 Quickstart Installation

We provide Quickstart package for each theme which aims to ease the installation for users. It will help you save much time of installing and configuring if you plan to start your site from the beginning. Please following steps below:

  • Step 1: Download the quickstart package of SP Revo theme
  • Step 2: Extract the downloaded package named “sp_revo_quickstart_p16_v2.0.0″ in your localhost (or your hosting) folder. In Quickstart folder you will see the extracted folder that include all sample data
  • Step 3: Start installation by opening browser and navigate to your URL (where the Quickstart uploaded) to load default Prestashop installer. Please follow these steps of the Installer so that the installation process can be set.
    • Installation Assistant (Choose your language)

Please select the installation language

Please note: The installation language option will not affect your store language. By default PrestaShop is offered in English. You can install additional localization packages to change the store language.

When you are done, click the ‘Next’ button.

    • Installation Assistant (License agreements)

Please check the license agreement.

When you are done, click the ‘Next’ button.

    • Store Information

Now add required information for your store: Shop name, Main activity, Country, Shop timezone and add the account info: first name, last name, email and password. Click “Next” to next step.

When you are done, click the ‘Next’ button.

    • System Configuration

Here is the database configuration panel, we need to create database first.

Access your database panel and create database for your site. Add database name and then click “Create” button.

When the database is created successfully, copy and paste its name into the “Database name” field, then click the “Test your database connection now!” button to make sure that the entered settings are correct. If they are, you will see a Database is connected message. After that, you could click the “Next” button to move to next steps.

    • Finish installation: This process could take a few minutes

Note: For security reasons you need to delete the install/ directory on your hosting server.

And finally, go to the Frontend or Backend as you want:

2.2 Theme Installation

Note: Before installing theme, you must disable the cache. In your back office, please go to ADVANCED PARAMETERS >> Performance >> find “Cache” parameter >> Set “No” to disable cache >> Click “Save”.

SP Revo Theme Installation

Firstly, you must EXTRACT the “sp_revo_template_packages.zip” package and open the extracted folder. Here you will see:

  • module folder: contain of the smartblog.zip file, smartblogcategories.zip file, smartbloghomelatestnews.zip file, smartblogrecentposts.zip file
  • and the sp_revo_template_p16_v2.0.0.zip file.

STEP 1: Install smartblog.zip , smartblogcategories.zip , smartbloghomelatestnews.zip , smartblogrecentposts.zip Module.

1. Login to your Prestashop admin panel and navigate to MODULES -> Modules. At the top of the page click the Add a new module button.

2. Choose “smartblog.zip” file and click “Upload this module” button

3. There is a message-box “The module was successfully downloaded.”

4. Please find to the uploaded module and click “Install” button to run it.

5. When a pop-up window displays, please click “Proceed with the installation” button.

6. Finally, Module(s) installed successfully.

Note: Do the same with the others.

STEP 2: Install the “sp_revo_template_p16_v2.0.0.zip” file.

1. Login to your Prestashop admin panel and navigate to Preferences -> Themes. At the top of the page click the Add a new theme button.

2. Navigate to “Import from your computer>> choose the zip theme file as named “sp_revo_template_p16_v2.0.0.zip >> Save.

3. When your choice is successfully validated , a notice will be showed like the following image:

4. In the section named as Select a theme for your “[name]” shop, move your mouse cursor over SP Revo‘s thumbnail and select Use this themeto replace your current theme with SP Revo theme.
5. After that, a list of the installed/disabled modules will be showed out, please click “Save” to install modules that were imported along with the theme.

6. Finally, please click “Finish” to end the process.


3.1 General Settings

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “General” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.2 Layout Settings

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Layout” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.3 Fonts

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Fonts” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

Note: Please copy and paste the following line into Font Selector tab:




3.4 Category Pages

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Category Pages” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.5 Product Pages

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Product Pages” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.6 Bonus Pages

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Bonus Pages” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.7 Advanced Settings

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Advanced” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

3.8 Social Accounts

1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “Social Accounts” to configure the parameters in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to view the changes.

1. To configure Logo for your store, navigate to PREFERENCES > Themes in your Prestashop Admin Dashboard. Go to Logo tab to set up your logo. Click “Add File” to upload the logo image as you want and “Save”.

2. Please check the front-end to view the changes.

3.10 Image Size Adjustment

In your Prestashop admin dashboard, navigate to: PREFERENCES >> Images to configure the image size for category, manufacturer, supplier, product, etc that fit your layout best.

1. Image size - You can choose the image size types that suit your products best.

2. Image quality - You can set image quality in use on your site.

3. Regenerate thumbnails - To see the changes after you update the image sizes, image quality; you need to re-generate the images used in your site. Select option then click Regenerate thumbnails button.

Frontend Appearance:

To edit Copyright, please follow these steps:
1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme configurator” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “General” to configure the parameter named “Copyright” in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to see the changes.

3. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to see the changes.

3.12 Edit Payment

Frontend Appearance:

To edit Payment, please follow these steps:
1. In your Prestashop Admin Dashboard, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> go to MODULES LIST section, search for “SP Theme Configuration” module then click on Configure.

2. In the SP Theme Settings, choose “General” to configure the parameter named “Upload your own payment image” in this section. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to see the changes.

3.13 Edit Pop-up

Frontend Appearance:

To edit this pop-up, please follow these steps:
1. Change the image:
In your Website’s Directory, go to themes\sp_revo\css\modules\spblocknewsletter\img folder. To change the image in this pop-up, you could replace our sample image named bg_popup.jpg by your image with the same name as our sample image.

2. Change the text:
In your Website’s Directory, go to themes\sp_revo\modules\spblocknewsletter folder. To change the text in this pop-up, in this folder, you could open the file named blocknewsletterpopup.tpl by your editor program.
Find and change the following text in this file as you want:

3. After finishing, you could go to the front-end to see the changes.


displayMenu: SP Mega Menu

1. Navigate to Modules -> Modules >> look for SP Mega Menu >> Click the Configure button to access the module configuration page.

2. In the SP Mega Menu Panel, you could configure Add New Module by click on the button like the following image:

3. In the configuration page of new module, you could configure General Options as follows

4. In the configuration page of new module, you could configure Menu Information as follows

5. In order to add menu items, to add items as you want, you need to click this button.

6. Menu list of Mega Menu You need to look at the menu list to configure easily.

7. To configure each item, you need to click “Edit” button as follows:

Go Here to readmore about the SP Mega Menu module.

Note: In the next steps, when editing items in the menus, the items (in a menu) having same level could have same configuration. Therefore, we encourage you read throughtly and find out the item’s level to configure it without any errors.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of ‘Iphone Collection’: Please click Here to view.

Note: The items named ‘T-Shirt’, ‘Shoes’, ‘Dresses’, ‘Handbag’, ‘Habent’ having same menu level as item ‘Clothing’ could have same configuration

  • Backend Setting of ‘Image 1′: Please click Here to view.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the code field:

    Note: The items named ‘Image 2′ having same menu level as item ‘Image 1′ could have same configuration. To choose the different images for these parts, please go to the same directory having the image for ‘Image 1′, and choose the images named as: image-thum-2.jpg

Our Brands
Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting : Please click Here to view.

Copy and paste the following code into the code field:

  • Backend Setting of ‘Box Cate’: Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of ‘Blazers’: Please click Here to view.

Note: The items named ‘Oppo Collection’, ‘HTC Collection’,'Asus Collection’,'Coats’,'Edition’ having same menu level as item ‘Blazers’ could have same configuration

  • Backend Setting of ‘Featured product’: Please click Here to view.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of ‘Lips Submenu 1′: Please click Here to view.

Note: You could do the same with the other items in this mega menu


displayverticalmenu: SP Vertical MegaMenu

1. Navigate to Modules -> Modules >> look for SP Vertical Megamenu >> Click the Configure button to access the module configuration page.

2. In the SP Vertical Megamenu Panel, you could configure Settings as follows

3. In the SP Vertical Megamenu Panel, you could configure Menu Information as follows

4. In order to add menu items, to add items as you want, you need to click this button.

5. Menu list of Vertical Megamenu You need to look at the menu list to configure easily.

6. To configure each item, you need to click “Edit” button as follows:

Go Here to readmore about the SP Vertical Megamenu module.

Note: In the next steps, when editing items in the menus, the items (in a menu) having same level could have same configuration. Therefore, we encourage you read throughtly and find out the item’s level to configure it without any errors.

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of the ‘Moniter Desktop’ : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of the ‘Offical Cosme-decom’ : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of ‘Image’ : Please click Here to view.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the code field:

Frontend Appearance

  • Backend Setting : Please click Here to view.
  • Backend Setting of the ‘Maybelin Face’ : Please click Here to view.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the code field:

  • Backend Setting of the ‘Flower Tulip’ : Please click Here to view.

Note: You could do the same with the other items in this vertical mega menu


6.1 SP Revo Layout 1


6.1.1 login_myaccount_header

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:
Please go to themes/sp_revo in your website’s directory and open the file named login_myaccount_header.tpl by your editor program to configure this part.

6.1.2 displayUserinfo

SP User Info Block

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP User Info Block” module >> click “Enable” button to enable this module.

6.1.3 displayTopNav

1. SP Block Languages

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: To add language as you want. For example: To add “Arabic” language, in your Admin Panel >> navigate to LOCALIZATION >> Languages >> click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW”.

Step 2: Fill information into the required field (*) like the illustration

2. SP Block Currencies

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Currency Block>> click “Enable” button to enable this module.

6.1.4 displayCustomHtml1

SP Custom HTML - Contact Html
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

SP Search Block

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Search Pro” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Search Pro” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration.

6.1.6 displayCart

SP Cart Block

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Cart Block” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Cart Block” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.7 displaySlideShow1

Sp slider for your homepage

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Home Slider” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Slider For Your Homepage” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Step 4: In the last part named Slides List of this configuration page, click button in the right corner to add new slide and edit slide’s information as follows:

  • Sample 1: Please click Here to view
  • Sample 2: Please click Here to view
  • Sample 3: Please click Here to view

6.1.8 displaycustomhtml2

SP Custom HTML - Banner Home
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.9 displaycustomhtml3

SP Custom HTML - Featured Categories
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.10 displayDeal

SP Deal - Today Deals
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Deal” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Deal” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.11 displayDeal2

SP Deal - Deals of the week
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Deal” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Deal” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.12 displayExtraSlider

SP Extra Slider - Best Sellers
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Extra Slider” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Extra Slider” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.13 displaycustomhtml4

SP Custom HTML - Banner Top 1
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.14 displayListingtab

SP Listing Tabs - Fashion
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.15 displayListingtab2

SP Listing Tabs - Electronics
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.16 displayListingtab3

SP Listing Tabs - Sports
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.17 displaycustomhtml5

SP Custom HTML - Banner Center
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.18 displayExtraSlider2

SP Extra Slider - Weekly Products
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Extra Slider” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Extra Slider” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.19 displayExtraSlider3

SP Extra Slider - Featured Products
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Extra Slider” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Extra Slider” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.20 display Home News

SmartBlog Home Latest
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SmartBlog Home Latest” module.

Step 2: You could configure this module like the following image.

6.1.21 displayManufacture

SP Manufacture Slider - Shop Brands
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Manufacture Slider” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Manufacture Slider” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.22 displayCustomHtml6

SP Custom HTML - Bonus Menu
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.23 displayFooterBottom

SP Custom HTML - Our Shops
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.24 displayFooterBottom2

SP Custom HTML - Your Links
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.25 displayFooterBottom3

SP Custom HTML - Support
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.26 displayFooterBottom4

SP Custom HTML - My Account
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

Contact Information Block
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “Contact Information Block” module.

Step 2: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.1.28 displayFooterBottom5

SP Custom HTML - Menu Bottom
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.29 displayFooterBottom6

SP Custom HTML - Text Html
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.1.30 displayNewsletter

SP Newsletter Block
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Newsletter Block” module.

Step 2: You could configure its settings like the illustration

To edit the text in this module, please follow these steps:
In your Website’s Directory, go to themes\sp_revo\modules\spblocknewsletter folder. To change the text in this module, in this folder, you could open the file named blocknewsletter.tpl by your editor program.
Find and change the text you want to edit, such as: Sign Up For Newsletter, Put your Email Address here, Subscribe

6.2 SP Revo Layout 2

6.2.1 displaySlideShow2

Sp slider for your homepage

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Home Slider” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Slider For Your Homepage” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Step 4: In the last part named Slides List of this configuration page, click button in the right corner to add new slide and edit slide’s information as follows:

  • Sample 4: Please click Here to view
  • Sample 5: Please click Here to view
  • Sample 6: Please click Here to view

6.2.2 displayCustomHtml7

SP Custom HTML - Banner Top Layout 2
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.2.3 displaySuperCategory1

SP Categories - Fashion
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Categories” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Categories” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.2.4 displaySuperCategory2

SP Categories - Electronic
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Categories” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Categories” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.2.5 displaySuperCategory3

SP Categories - Sport
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Categories” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Categories” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.2.6 displaySuperCategory4

SP Categories - Skirts
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Categories” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Categories” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.2.7 displaySuperCategory5

SP Categories - Jewelry
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Categories” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Categories” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.2.8 displayCustomHtml8

SP Custom HTML
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.3 SP Revo Layout 3

6.3.1 displayCustomHtml9

SP Custom HTML - Text HTML Layout 3
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.3.2 displayCustomHtml10

SP Custom HTML - Contact Layout 3
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.3.3 displaySearch2

SP Search Block

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Search Pro” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Search Pro” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration.

6.3.4 displaySlideShow3

Sp slider for your homepage

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Home Slider” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Slider For Your Homepage” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Step 4: In the last part named Slides List of this configuration page, click button in the right corner to add new slide and edit slide’s information as follows:

  • Sample 7: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:
  • Sample 8: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:
  • Sample 9: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:

6.3.5 displayCustomHtml11

SP Custom HTML - Banner Top Layout 3
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.3.6 displayCustomHtml12

SP Custom HTML - Banner Center Layout 3
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.3.7 displayListingtab4

SP Listing Tabs - New Arrivals
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.3.8 displayInsta

SP Instagram Gallery
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Instagram Gallery” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.4 SP Revo Layout 4

6.4.1 displayCustomHtml13

SP Custom HTML - Banner Center Layout 3
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.2 displaySlideShow4

Sp slider for your homepage

Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Home Slider” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Slider For Your Homepage” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Step 4: In the last part named Slides List of this configuration page, click button in the right corner to add new slide and edit slide’s information as follows:

  • Sample 10: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:
  • Sample 11: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:
  • Sample 12: Please click Here to view
    Copy and paste the following code into the source code panel:

6.4.3 displayCustomHtml14

SP Custom HTML - static-infos
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.4 displayCustomHtml15

SP Custom HTML - Featured Categories 2
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.5 displayCustomHtml16

SP Custom HTML - Banner Layout 4
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.6 displayListingtab5

SP Listing Tabs - Girl New Products
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.4.7 displayCustomHtml17

SP Custom HTML - Video
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.8 displayListingtab6

SP Listing Tabs - Boy New Products
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Settings:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Listing Tabs” module.

Step 2: In the “SP Listing Tabs” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

6.4.9 displayCustomHtml18

SP Custom HTML - Find Your
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:

6.4.10 displayCustomHtml19

SP Custom HTML - Apps Store
Frontend Appearance:

Backend Setting:

Step 1: In the Pretashop Admin Panel, navigate to Modules and Services >> Modules and Services >> look for “SP Custom HTML” module >> click “Configure” button to configure.

Step 2: In the “SP Custom HTML” configuration page, click button in the right corner to “ADD NEW MODULE”.

Step 3: You could configure this module like the illustration

Copy and paste the following code into the content:


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  • FAQs - Go to Here to view more the Frequently Asked Questions.