SM Creative

This guide will help you install SM Creative themes step by step.



At the basic level, this theme will require the following conditions:

    • Compatible with Magento Community Edition 1.7.x; 1.8.x and 1.9.x (require: php 5.4 and Memory_limit no less than 256Mb)

2LAYOUT POSITION – Back to top


3INSTALLATION – Back to top

There are two ways to install a Magento Theme:

  • Install quickstart: By using this package, you will set the theme exactly as our Demo with sample data.
  • Install Manual: included of Theme installation package

Please Note that in our Theme package included all of extensions.

3.1 Quickstart Installation :

Magentech provides SM Quickstart package for each theme which aims to ease the installation for users. It will help you save much time of installing and configuring if you plan to start your site from the beginning. Please following steps below:

  • Step 1: Download the quickstart package
  • Step 2: Extract and Upload the whole Quickstart package to your server. In Quickstart folder you will see the extracted folder that include all sample data
  • Step 3: Create a Database for your Magento

  • Step 4: Start installation by opening browser and navigate to your URL (where the Quickstart uploaded) to load default Magento installer. Please follow each step of the Installer so that the installation process can be set.

  • Step 5: Locale Settings. Please fill fully into Required Fields (“Locale; Time Zone and Default Currency”.)

  • Step 6: In the Configuration step, input the required fields as below.
    • Do not use “localhost” in URL, otherwise you could not log in to your Admin area (you should use your local IP in case of installing on your computer).
    • Leave Tables prefix field blank.

  • Step 7: Create Admin Account. Please fill fully into Required Fields (“First Name; Last Name; Email; Username; password and confirm password”.)

  • Step 8: Finish Installation and now you can Go to Frontend or Go to Backend.

3.2 Manual Installation

Theme Installation

Please install Magento extension Theme in advance of any other installations to avoid unexpected conflicts that may occur.

    • Step 1: Copy folders skin and app to your site root folder. The overwritten folders should have a directory layout like this:

      {docroot} /magento/

    • Step 2: Log in to your Admin Panel (e.g. Access Magento Admin area: https://yourdomain/index.php/admin/). Log out and log in back.
    • Step 3: Navigate to System >> Cache Management, Select All the cache types, take Action as Refresh and Submit.

    • Step 4: Navigate to System >> Configuration >> Design tab (in the left hands column).
    • Step 5: In Package tab, input “Current Package Name” field with the actual theme name.

    • Step 6: You can also change the settings for Header .

  • Step 7: Click Save Config button to finish.

4CONFIGURATION – Back to top

4.1 Configure Pages

4.1.1 Homepage

Detailed layout of Homepage:


To configure this page, in the Admin Panel, navigate to CMS >> Pages. Create a new page in Page Management section.

Copy and paste the following code into the Layout Update XML field of Design tab :


4.2 Configure Mega Menu

  • Thirdly, In order to add menu items, Go to SM Mega Menu >> Menu items Manager click on “Add Item” to create menu items as below.

With Horizontal Menu:


Frontend Appearance

Tree of Categories menu:


Frontend Appearance

Tree of Electronics menu:

Copy and paste the following code into the Content field:

Copy and paste the following code into the Content field:

Copy and paste the following code into the Content field:

4.3 Configure Extensions

List of Extensions are used in SM Creative Theme:

  • SM Cart Pro Module : Click Here to view tutorial
  • SM Mega Menu: Click Here to view tutorial
  • SM Tablisting : Click Here to view tutorial
  • SM Image Slider Module : Click Here to view tutorial
  • SM Quickview Module : Click Here to view tutorial
  • SM Shop By Module
  • SM Basic Products Module
  • SM Deal Module : Click Here to view tutorial

I. SM Cart Pro

  • Position: SM Cart Pro
  • Frontend

  • Backend of SM Cart Pro: Click Here

II. SM Image Slider

  • Position: SM Image Slider
  • Frontend

  • Backend of SM Image Slider: Click Here

III. SM Tab Listing

  • Position: SM Tab Listing
  • Frontend

  • Backend of SM Tab Listing: Click Here

IV. SM Deals

  • Position: SM Deals
  • Frontend

  • Backend of SM Deals: Click Here

V. SM Basic Products

  • Position: SM Basic Products
  • Frontend

  • Backend of SM Basic Products: Click Here

4.4 Configure Static blocks

The SM Creative has static blocks in the Theme:

  • Creative Banner Promotion on top
  • Creative Block custom my account header
  • Creative Banner Home
  • Creative Creative Testimonials
  • Creative Brand
  • Creative Service
  • Creative Footer Info
  • Creative Spotlight 1
  • Creative Spotlight 2
  • Creative Spotlight 3
  • Creative Spotlight 4
  • Creative Payment

To create static blocks, go to CMS >> Static Blocks >> Add new block

Creative Banner Promotion on top


Link show Backend of Creative Banner Promotion on top.

Content Code of Creative Banner Promotion on top:

Creative Block custom my account header


Link show Backend of Creative Block custom my account header.

Content Code of Creative Block custom my account header:

Creative Banner Home


Link show Backend of Creative Banner Home.

Content Code of Creative Banner Home:

Creative Creative Testimonials


Link show Backend of Creative Creative Testimonials.

Content Code of Creative Creative Testimonials:

Creative Brand


Link show Backend of Creative Brand.

Content Code of Creative Brand:

Creative Service


Link show Backend of Creative Service.

Content Code of Creative Service:

Creative Footer Info


Link show Backend of Creative Footer Info.

Content Code of Creative Footer Info:

Creative Spotlight 1 - My account


Link show Backend of Creative Spotlight 1 - My account.

Content Code of Creative Spotlight 1 - My account:

Creative Spotlight 2 - Information


Link show Backend of Creative Spotlight 2 - Information.

Content Code of Creative Spotlight 2 - Information:

Creative Spotlight 3 - Corporate


Link show Backend of Creative Spotlight 3 - Corporate.

Content Code of Creative Spotlight 3 - Corporate:

Creative Spotlight 4 - Why Choose Us


Link show Backend of Creative Spotlight 4 - Why Choose Us.

Content Code of Creative Spotlight 4 - Why Choose Us:

Creative Payment


Link show Backend of Creative Payment.

Content Code of Creative Payment:

Contact us - Google map


Link show Backend of Contact us - Google map.

Content Code of Contact us - Google map:

Contact us - Info Store


Link show Backend of Contact us - Info Store.

Content Code of Contact us - Info Store:

Creative About Us


Link show Backend of Creative About Us.

Content Code of Creative About Us:

4.5 How To Enable/Disable Social setting & Custom Copyright in admin

Frontend Appearance

In the Administrator page, Please navigate to System >> Configuration >> find SM Creative Setting to configure the “Social setting” & “Custom Copyright” parameter as image below:

Social Settings

  • Show Facebook - Allow to Enable/Disable Facebook
  • Facebook Name - Allow to input the name of Facebook
  • Facebook Url - Allow to input the Url of Facebook


  • Show Twitter - Allow to Enable/Disable Twitter
  • Twitter Name - Allow to input the name of Twitter
  • Twitter Url - Allow to input the Url of Twitter


  • Show Google+ - Allow to Enable/Disable Google+
  • Google+ Name - Allow to input the name of Google+
  • Google+ Url - Allow to input the Url of Google+


  • Show Linkedin - Allow to Enable/Disable Linkedin
  • Linkedin Name - Allow to input the name of Linkedin
  • Linkedin Url - Allow to input the Url of Linkedin


  • Show Flickr - Allow to Enable/Disable Flickr


  • Show Pinterest - Allow to Enable/Disable Pinterest
  • Pinterest Name - Allow to input the name of Pinterest
  • Pinterest Url - Allow to input the Url of Pinterest

Advanced Settings

  • Show Cpanel - Allow to Enable/Disable Cpanel
  • Show Go to Top - Allow to Enable/Disable Go to Top
  • Use Add to Cart - Allow to Enable/Disable Cart
  • Use Add to Wishlist - Allow to Enable/Disable Wishlist
  • Use Add to Compare - Allow to Enable/Disable Compare
  • Enable Custom Copyright - Allow to Enable/Disable Custom Copyright
  • Copyright - If you select “Yes”, please custom copyright here, or else “No” will display the default copyright of Magento.
  • Custom Css - Allow to custom css
  • Custom Javascript - Allow to custom Javascript
  • Note 1: Please click Here to view more about How To Set Default Language and Currency in Magento
  • Note 2: We used Blog - Community Edition extension for blog page. To install this extension, please click here.

4.6 Configure Swatches

Please go Here to readmore How To Create Configurable Swatches in Magento EE 1.14.1 and Magento CE 1.9.1

  • Note: Please click Here to view more about How To Set Default Language and Currency in Magento

5SUPPORT – Back to top

Thank you so much for purchasing this theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please send us via: Support Tickets System

Thanks so much!